I've Been Tagged

Linda over at Purple Tomatoes tagged me. Thank you Linda.I think LOL..... Linda has had a big week in the world of Blogger because she is also a featured Artist over at Belinda's Crazy Art Girl's Musings . Go check it out. This is my first tag and it looks like a hard one. I'm suppose to list 6 weird or interesting things about myself. I might have a hard time coming up with six things but I'll try. Then after I list 6 things about myself I have to find another six people to tag. Here are the official rules taken from Linda's blog: list six weird/interesting things about yourself and then tag a further six bloggers (by going to their blogs and telling them to check out your blog post related to this) to keep the momentum going. List your six tagged bloggers at the bottom of your post. OK let's see what I can come up with. #1 I am weird. Everyone who knows me thinks I am weird. Why do they think I am weird you ask. Well just because I do things like make paper f...