Stamp Carving

I entered the world of hand carved stamps very innocently. While shopping at my local Joann's for some gesso I notice a few items marked on clearance on the same isle. I found the Speedball Block Printing Starter Kit marked down to an unbelievable $5. The kit regularly retails for $17.99 at Joann's. Needless to say I snatched it up and also bought the last two linoleum blocks they had. This is my second attempt at carving linoleum blocks. For my first try I did a simple tree. The blocks are 4 x 5 inches so they make a large size stamp. I read a lot online about carving linoleum before I tried my first stamp. I really thought it would be more difficult then it actually was from all that I read online but I found the linoleum very easy to carve. For the above picture I used three different types of stamp ink. It is amazing the different looks you can get by using different color inks. I'm not sure what I'll use the stamp for. It's too big for an atc. I'll pr...