A Mini Piece of Art

Meet Isabella, isn't she a little darling? She is another image available from Paper Imagery Designs . The great thing about these new image sheets is that each sheet has different sizes of each image. I enjoy working in any number of sizes from inchies up to 5 x 7 so this works out well for me. And if inchies are your thing well there are also inchie images sheets. Isabella is a 2 x 2 piece I did today. I'm thinking about turning her into a soldered charm. If you haven't already checked out the new Paper Imagery Designs site your missing out. And if you have already been there you should go back and look again. New image sheets have been added. New embellishments have been added. A new Forum is up and soon there will be contests and challenges posted to the forum. So go join so you can get in on the goodies. Thanks for stopping by! Arlene