November Updates For those interested I managed to meet the 50K word goal of Nanowrimo ( see previous post ) so I am a winner!! Yea! I'm still working on it about every other day and have written thus far over 63K word. My New Year's resolution will be to finish my novel, edit and find someone to publish it. Wish me luck! December News I just realized Christmas is almost here.No I am not ready. I don't even have my tree up yet. Bah Hum Bug I know. It's been one of those years. I had to pack up all my art supplies so I could get my house in order just to put up my Christmas tree. Yes I have an artificial one. When my two oldest children were younger they both had asthma and a big no no is a real tree, especially here in Florida where we live. So I have been using an artificial tree for years. So the house is straightened up and I am about to pull all my decorations out and start decorating but I have been so jealous looking at all the other blogs with all the wonderfu...