
Showing posts from February, 2011

New Artist Trading Cards

I had a chance the other day to make a couple of Artist Trading Cards. I had the urge to create something so bad. I didn't want to mess around with finding the perfect supplies or images so I rummaged through the stuff laying around on my work table and made these two atc's with what I had on hand. The second one is my favorite! I really love the way this one turned out. Yesterday I dyed some fabric, lace and trim with some lemon balm leaves and stems that I needed to trim. I didn't want it to go to waste. Last year I dyed some other fabric and was really happy with the way it turned out. Sorry no pictures of the dyed fabric right now. If I get a chance I will take a few and then compare the two batches of fabrics. Last year I used the new growth on the plant and I really think that fabric dyed a darker color. I forgot how much I enjoy dying fabric with natural dyes. I think I may try to use some leaves off an orange tree to see if that will impart a decent dye. Than

Cloth Paper Scissors Put a Bird On It

If your on Facebook and follow Cloth Paper Scissors you probably saw the spoof video they posted from Portlandia the other day. Well Cloth Paper Scissor put out a call for art featuring birds. Here is their blog post telling all about both videos We Put A Bird On It I am so excited to be included in the video. I sent in the two pieces of art from my mini book that I posted the other day and they included both pieces in their video. Thank you Cloth Paper Scissors!